Fixed links project likely to miss December target

A business case on delivering fixed links to Shetland’s islands is likely to miss its December target date.
A consultant is due to be appointed to assist with the programme in early April, development director Neil Grant told today’s (Monday) environment and transport committee meeting.
But chairwoman Moraig Lyall questioned if it was going to be “realistic” for a business case to then be presented to councillors by the end of December – the council’s target date.
Mr Grant said they were looking at “12 to 18 months” from the consultants starting work in April to a business case being delivered.
Councillors agreed to allocate £700,000 to investigating the feasibility of fixed links in March 2023, urging officials to make it a “priority of priorities”.
Mrs Lyall said last December it was no secret she would have liked more progress to be made by that point.
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