Times campaign gathers more support

More than 500 people have signed The Shetland Times petition urging the Scottish government to channel the proceeds of crime into Dogs Against Drugs.

The charity needs around £120,000 per year to operate, detecting drugs at Sumburgh Airport, the NorthLink Ferry Terminal and private scans at the post office and in Sullom Voe.

However, for the next year the charity only has three-quarters of the funds it needs.

Additionally, the charity has an educational purpose, making presentations to thousands of school children a year across the isles about the dangers of illicit drugs.

Since the campaign launched its petition two weeks ago, 520 people backed the petition.

In the next week, The Shetland Times will launch a fundraiser for donations to the charity.

Please remember that when you sign the petition that Change.org might ask for a donation to advertise the petition.


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