Demolition method statement lodged for Linkshouse

A stonemason will be present during the demolition of a historic building in Mid Yell to help retain salvageable materials.

The owner of the 18th century Linkshouse has included details of reclamation in a new demolition method statement.

It follows last month’s decision from the Scottish government to approve the demolition, overruling objections from Historic Environment Scotland (HES).

According to new documents lodged with the SIC, all demolition works will be undertaken using a tracked excavator with manual work having been deemed unsafe due to the risk of unplanned collapse.

Work will start by reducing the west and east gables to the height of the walls.

Then the walls will be pushed down into the centre of the building. 

The road at the north of the building will be closed during the work, with residents to be advised so they can make alternative plans during the lack of access.

It is anticipated that demolition will be completed within the working day.

Once the structure has been demolished, the excavator will separate salvageable masonry, such as quoins and lintels, from the remainder.

A meeting will be held with the planning officers to discuss next steps for the retention and reuse of materials.

Owner Lindsay Laurenson first applied for permission to knock down the category C listed building last year on the grounds of public safety.

His application said the structural issues “currently endanger the public and require immediate intervention”.

Situated at the end of the Linkshouse pier, the building was damaged by fire around 30 years ago.

Soon after it was reported to be “deteriorating and in danger of collapse”.

In August, the SIC gave permission to raze the building after councillors rejected officials’ recommendations to save it.

But the demolition was delayed by the HES objection.

Last month, the Scottish government announced it had granted consent.

Its report read: “Linkshouse is already a ruin.

“The structural report commissioned by the applicant from a chartered civil engineer, Karl Bolt, indicates that the house is unsafe in its present condition and poses an unacceptable risk to the public.”

The report also noted that the cost of temporarily keeping the building safe would be expensive, and would not ensure long-term stability.


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