‘Honest’ drink driver banned for a year

A drink driver who told police officers he was over the limit was banned from the road and fined £400.

Daniel James O’Callaghan, 28, whose address was given as Busta House Hotel, was driving a car with 36 microgrammes of alcohol in his breath. The legal limit is 22mg.

O’Callaghan was stopped by police after driving between the Brae Inn and Brae Marina.

Procurator Fiscal Duncan MacKenzie told the court that O’Callaghan was “honest with the police officers” when he was pulled over.

“The first thing he said was that he was over the limit,” Mr MacKenzie added.

The accused subsequently failed a roadside screening test.

Defence agent Tommy Allan said his client had only intended to drive a “short distance” but added losing his licence would be an “inconvenience”.

Sheriff Ian Cruickshank fined O’Callaghan £400 and disqualified him for a year, with the possibility of a three-month reduction if he completed a drink driver’s rehabilitation course.


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