Police chief inspector to leave role

Shetland’s chief inspector is set to leave at the end of June.

Area commander Stuart Clemenson will leave the post for a new role with Police Scotland in Inverness.

He took up the post in January 2022.

His exit was announced at today’s (Wednesday) community safety and resilience board meeting.


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  • Michael Bennett

    • May 16th, 2024 14:17

    A career cop. Shetland was a stepping stone where he needed to make his mark. He met with some success but also occasionally managed to alienate some of his best allies – the community. A man of many words, not all of which made good sense and some of which brought ridicule and derision. I hope he will find more genuine issues to get his teeth into in Inverness. I also hope that the next incumbent will move about his business in a somewhat less confrontational manner and note that the best referees are seldom the centre of attention and should never see themselves as the most important person on the field.


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