Police to carry out patrols after weekend spiking report 

Police will carry out additional patrols after an alleged spiking incident in Lerwick last weekend.

Inspector Sam Greshon said that, while no criminality was “established” from last weekend’s report, police will be carrying out patrols and engaging with the public and premises regarding this crime.

“Police Scotland takes reports of spiking extremely seriously and we would encourage anyone who thinks they may have been a victim of this type of crime to contact Police Scotland on 101,” he said.

“If the incident has occurred within a licensed premises it is also important to make a staff member aware at the time.

“This weekend officers will be carrying out additional patrols and will be engaging with premises holders and members of the public around this issue.”

This comes a month after a Scalloway woman spoke out about an alleged spiking at a pub in Lerwick.


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