Man banned from driving for a year

A Hampshire man has been banned from driving for a year after he admitted driving a car while four-times over the legal limit.

Jeremy Cairns-Todd, 31, pleaded guilty at Lerwick Sheriff Court today (Monday) after failing a roadside screening test, which found 89 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. The legal limit is 22 microgrammes.

Cairns-Todd was also handed a £185 fine, including a victim surcharge, for the offence. He can reduce the ban if he successfully completes a drink driving rehabilitation course.

Cairns-Todd also denied separate charges of alleged assault, threatening and abusive behaviour and breaching bail conditions.

He was released on bail under condition he leave Shetland by midnight on 28th May (tomorrow) and ordered not to approach or contact the alleged victim.

A trial was set for 5th September.


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