Charity walkers halfway through 200 mile hike

A brave pair have reached the halfway point of a massive hike in aid of a vital anti-drugs charity, as they face poor weather along the way.

Angie Thompson, from Voe, and her walking companion Jacqui Dow set off last week from St Bees on the coast of Cumbria on a 200-mile walk to the west coast of England.

The mammoth trek was inspired by this newspaper’s campaign supporting Dogs Against Drugs.

“We’re still stepping forward,” Mrs Thompson told The Shetland Times.

The pair arrived in Keld, North Yorkshire, on Sunday, which marked the halfway point of their hike.

“We were glad to finally get into Keld around 7pm,” she said. “That’s a big boost to know we are past that now.”

You can donate to Mrs Thompson’s fundraiser by searching “Dogs Against Drugs” on or by clicking HERE.


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