Councillor fined for speeding offence

A South Mainland councillor has been fined for doing almost twice the speed limit through Lerwick.

Allison Duncan, who is the chairman of the council’s safety and resilience board, admitted driving at 52mph on Lerwick’s Sound Brae on 27th February.

The road is a 30mph limit.

Duncan was then found to have an expired driving licence, which also meant his driving insurance was invalid.

The 77-year-old, from Dunrossness, admitted all the charges.

Defence agent Tommy Allan said the speed limit on the road had changed recently.

And he added there “can be a tendency to accelerate” to get up the hill as you leave town.

Duncan had not been aware of any letters to say his licence was expiring or expired, the solicitor said, and had co-operated fully with police.

Sheriff David Harvie fined Duncan £300 and added six penalty points to his licence.


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