D-Day marked at war memorial

Wreaths were laid at the Lerwick War Memorial to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

Shetland Islands Council convener Andrea Manson and Lord Lieutenant Lindsay Tulloch paid tribute to the occasion in a wreath-laying ceremony today.

D-Day saw Allied Forces land on the beaches of Normandy to begin the liberation of France and the end of Second World War.

After laying a wreath, Ms Manson said the landings were intended to “turn the tide” of the war.

“It is sobering to reflect on the unprecedented scale of the D-Day operation, which was the largest invasion force in history,” she said.

“Among all the personnel of the allied forces that stormed the beaches, from many nations, were also Shetlanders – some of our own.”

Over 155,000 allied troops supported by 11,500 aircraft and 6,900 naval vessels took part in a coordinated effort on D-Day and the days that followed.


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