Volunteer awards launches for second year

Children and adults will be celebrated with volunteering awards launching in the isles for a second year.
Voluntary Action Shetland (VAS) announced the return of the Willin Haands and Peerie Trows Awards after their success last year.
The VAS Volunteering Awards are held to recognise and celebrate Shetland’s many willing helpers and volunteers of all ages who help out and volunteer in their communities
The awards consist of the two categories: Willin Haands for adults over the age of 26 and Peerie Trows for under 11s.
Both formal and informal volunteering are recognised in this award with the latter often being overlooked, even by the volunteers themselves.
People who give up time to help run events and clubs such as drama groups, sports clubs, Sunday teas and agricultural shows are all eligible to be recognised.
Nominations opened on Wednesday for the awards, with the closing date on Sunday 15th September.
People can nominate someone for the awards through an online form or by contacting VAS for a paper ballot.
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