Former chief pilot and Hjaltland Housing Association stalwart dies

A former chief pilot and housing association stalwart known for his wry sense of humour has died.

Gordon Mitchell, a dedicated member of the Hjaltland Housing Association (HHA) for more than 40 years died peacefully last week, leaving behind a legacy of commitment and service to the community.

Mr Mitchell was a former chief pilot with the Sumburgh-based Bristow Helicopters and was involved in the rescue operation following the Piper Alpha disaster. 

His involvement with Hjaltland began when he joined the committee of the Scottish Airports Housing Association (SAHA).

He was said to have been instrumental in the merger between SAHA and HHA, which led to his long-standing involvement with the HHA Committee.

Throughout his tenure, Mr Mitchell held various positions, including vice-chairman and chairman of the HHA committee.

He also expanded his housing experience by serving on the board of the Tenant Participation Advisory Service, Scotland (TPAS) from 2000-2014.

He was  described as  being a much-liked board member known for his “wry sense of humour”

“The board and staff of TPAS were saddened to hear of Gordon’s death and wish to send condolences to his family and friends,” TPAS said.

Mr Mitchell was also on the Board of the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) for six years.

He has been praised for his dedication to improving housing standards and ensuring better management of properties.

His efforts have significantly contributed to the transformation of HHA into a flourishing, financially strong organisation with high-quality housing.

Reflecting on his time with the association, Mr Mitchell once said: “The best part of it all was working with the cheerful and professional staff of the HHA.

“Their dedication and commitment over the years has transformed the Association into an organization to be proud of.”

Mr Mitchell resigned from the board in September 2020, but his impact on the association and the community will be remembered for years to come.

“Our thoughts and condolences go out to Gordon’s family and friends during this difficult time,” HHA said.


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