‘Absolutely ludicrous’ – opposition voiced against Knab temporary parking plans

Community councillors have united with residents in opposing temporary car park plans - branding the scheme “absolutely ludicrous”.
Lerwick Community Council (LCC) discussed the proposals for the Knab redevelopment site yesterday evening (Monday), when they voiced strong objections.
The SIC is looking to create two temporary parking areas in the old Anderson High School site, accessed via Lovers’ Loan and Gressy Loan, to reduce the demand for on-street parking while construction work takes place.
But several Gressy Loan residents have opposed the plans, claiming the location of the southern access junction, which is on a steep hill where many cars already park, would pose safety concerns - particularly when used by large plant vehicles or in poor weather.
LCC chairman Jim Anderson shared their concerns.
He said the proposed junction location was a “nonsense” when there was a “much better location, freely available”.
Mr Anderson said there was “no way on God’s green Earth” that the junction should be built at the proposed location.
Councillor Amanda Hawick also agreed, claiming the plans were “absolutely ludicrous” and would surely lead to an accident.
“It’s shocking, absolutely shocking,” she added.
The SIC’s development committee chairman Dennis Leask said the officials had made several changes in response to public consultation.
“I accept it’s not an ideal gradient,” he said
.”But the road teams that have designed this junction to a standard that’s safe in their opinion to improve access.”
According to planning documents, the proposals will create 47 temporary car parking spaces to be made available during the phased construction of the former high school site.
The plans state the proposals have arisen in response to community concerns about visitors to the site parking on the surrounding streets during the development.
They say the site has been selected, to the west of the old Anderson Educational Institute, as it is close to other buildings which are to be retained and the first phase of new housing.
Construction workers will be expected to park at another compound elsewhere in the development site.
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