Two Shetland books shortlisted for national photography award

Two local photographers have been shortlisted for a national award celebrating nature, wildlife and landscape photography.

Wild Shetland through the Seasons, by Brydon Thomason and published by The Shetland Times, has made the list, along with Shetland Travel Guide, by travel writer, tour guide and Shetland Times columnist, Laurie Goodlad.

The Scottish Nature Photography awards are held every other year, and organisers are now asking readers to cast their votes for their favourite of 18 candidates.

In the books highlighted, photographers cast their lenses from the Hebrides and Highlands to the Cairngorms and Shetland.

Some of the books are presented as guides, others as studies of particular photographers and photographic techniques. All of them focus on Scotland’s natural world.

“The shortlist reflects a prolific two years of publishing in this genre,” said the award’s organisers.

“Covering diverse subjects and approaches, these books feature stunning photography that portrays aspects of Scotland interwoven with its nature, wildlife and landscape.”

Voting opened on Friday and closes Monday, 3rd March.

You can cast your vote here, and find copies of both Shetland-inspired books in The Shetland Times bookshop or online.


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