Roadworks outside Queen’s Hotel extended again
The roadworks along South Commercial Street are expected to be completed on Friday – but it will be another three weeks before it reopens.
READ FULL STORYThe roadworks along South Commercial Street are expected to be completed on Friday – but it will be another three weeks before it reopens.
READ FULL STORYInter-island ferries on the Yell Sound service will operate with a single vessel tomorrow (Wednesday).
READ FULL STORYThe SIC has warned that its inter-island ferry service may be disrupted amid gale force winds and torrential rain.
READ FULL STORYA new early evening bus service from Lerwick to Sumburgh is hoped to “bridge the gap” in current provision.
READ FULL STORYThe SIC hopes to secure a second hand vessel to prop up its struggling inter-island ferry service.
READ FULL STORYBus stops could soon feature digital displays providing waiting passengers with up to date information on when the next service will arrive.
READ FULL STORYA burst sewer has partially closed a road in Lerwick.
READ FULL STORYTourists are “flooding” the transport network at peak times, a senior council official has warned.
READ FULL STORYThere have been no flights to Fair Isle or Foula since a plane fault was identified on Friday.
READ FULL STORYFerry crews welcomed “Scottish TV royalty” on board the Dagalien today (Tuesday).
READ FULL STORYFerry services have been cancelled due to a vessel fault.
READ FULL STORYShetland’s transport partnership ZetTrans are set to hold 16 drop-in sessions which aims to gathers commuters views on the public bus network.
READ FULL STORYLoganair has appointed a “rising star” of the aviation sector in a top role.
READ FULL STORYResidents and road users are being invited to attend events to comment on proposals to introduce a speed limit of 20mph on identified roads in…
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