Pride brings rainbow of colour to dreich Lerwick

A rainbow of colour brightened the grey streets of Lerwick this morning as the third annual Pride parade set off from the Market Cross.

Scores of marchers made their way through town to the sound of Bigton Samba Band as crowds lined the streets to cheer them on.

Turnout was down on previous years but numbers held up well considering the wet weather.

Among the marchers were floats with drag artists and other costumed performers as well s representatives from emergency services, unions and NHS Shetland.

Organisers said this year’s Pride village at Gilbertson Park would be scaled back due to difficulties putting up the marquee in high winds yesterday.

Stalls will be set up inside at Gilbertson Park Hall – but there are limits on numbers at any one time.

People have been asked to arrive a little later, from 2pm onwards, to give time for the parade participants to warm up.

Organisers said on Facebook they were “gutted” at having to scale the celebrations back.

“We’ve worked incredibly hard to put on an amazing Pride this year, so for half of it to be cancelled is heart-breaking,” they said.

Events are set to continue this evening including Shetland Pride LGBT+ youth party at the Royal British Legion and an adult party at Sound Hall.


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  • Rudi Meier

    • June 15th, 2024 21:25

    I thought that the driech was the highlight.


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