Inspectors find teaching and learning to be ‘weak’ at Brae school

Inspectors found learning, teaching and assessment at Brae school to be “weak”.
The team from Education Scotland found that staff needed to have “higher expectations” of what children can attain in order to raise attainment.
The report, which was discussed today (Monday) by the council’s education and families committee, found all other areas at the school to be “satisfactory”.
Brae nursery was found to be “good” in all areas.
Children’s services director Samantha Flaws highlighted a broad range of actions, which had already been undertaken to address the report’s findings.
Committee chairman Davie Sandison said he was pleased to see such a detailed response and hear that actions were already in place to bring about improvements.
Shetland Central member Moraig Lyall said it was important not to “sugar coat” the findings.
She said the necessary changes needed to be made “at pace”.
The report found a number of positives, including with the headteacher, who was praised for “creating a culture of leadership and of high expectations”.
The report also found that children and young people were proud of their school and made good progress in literacy across the primary and secondary departments.
Inspector Frances Graham said: “As a result of our inspection findings we think that the school needs additional support and more time to make necessary improvements.
“We will liaise with Shetland Islands Council regarding the school’s capacity to improve.
“We will return to carry out a further inspection of the school within one year of the publication of this letter.
“We will discuss with Shetland Islands Council the details of this inspection.
“When we return to inspect the school we will write to you as parents/carers informing you of the progress the school has made.”
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