Paedophile pleads guilty to possessing child sexual images

A convicted paedophile has pleaded guilty to downloading indecent pictures of children at a house in Lerwick over a period of 10 months.
Henry Hunter, 37, appeared by video link from Grampian Prison to make the plea at Lerwick Sheriff Court today (Wednesday).
Hunter, who was previously jailed for possession of images of child abuse, began reoffending on the day he was released from jail and continued to do so for the next 10 months.
A total of 39 Class A images – the highest level of offending – 27 Class C and a further 2,226 were described as “borderline”.
Procurator Fiscal Duncan MacKenzie told the court the images were of children between the ages of two-years-old and 16.
Images which had been found in Hunter’s possession had involved children in situations where they had been bound, gagged, wearing masks and some had been “penetrative”.
Mr MacKenzie added that Hunter also had a “fetish for tickling”.
This case had bore a “striking resemblance” to the one Hunter had previously served jail time for, Mr MacKenzie told the court.
“Given the nature of his previous conviction, he was very quick to return to the offence,” Mr MacKenzie said.
Defence agent Tommy Allan told the court that “things were going well” for his client while he was co-operating with officers but he began to struggle with his “addiction”.
“He had no friends,” Mr Allan said.
Mr Allan said Hunter knew he had done wrong and was prepared to do “whatever it takes,” to put this behind him.
Sheriff Ian Cruickshank told Hunter there would be a custodial sentence handed down to him.
“The issue is whether or not the court makes you subject to a sexual harm prevention order,” Sheriff Cruickshank said.
He deferred sentence until the 19th February, pending a criminal justice social work report.