More than 600 secondary pupils receive exam results

More than 600 secondary pupils will receive their exam results today (Tuesday).
Shetland pupils will receive awards in National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher.
· The A-C pass rate for Shetland, at National 5 is 79 per cent. The Scottish average this year is 77.2 per cent
· The A-C pass rate for Shetland, at Higher is 74 per cent. The Scottish average this year is 74.9 per cent.
· The A-C pass rate for Shetland at Advanced Higher is 69 per cent. The Scottish average this year is 75.3 per cent.
The SIC’s education and families committee chairman Davie Sandison said: “Today is about celebrating the achievements of young people throughout Shetland who have worked hard to gain their national qualifications.
” I would like to congratulate them all and thank their teachers and support staff who have helped them throughout the past year.
“A range of support is available for any pupil who may be disappointed with their results and I would encourage them access this help if they feel they need it.”
Many schools will open today for senior phase pupils to discuss their exam results with staff.
Pupils may appeal if they are concerned about a National 5, Higher or Advanced Higher grade and feel there may have been a mistake in the marking.
Advice for pupils is also available on the Skills Development Scotland website or through the Results helpline 0808 100 8000.
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