Hefty fine after ‘one almighty punch’ causes permanent disfigurement

A 24-year-old offshore worker has been ordered to pay £4,000 after causing a man permanent disfigurement with “one almighty punch”.
Euan Faithfull admitted carrying out an assault in Trench Bar when he appeared before Lerwick Sheriff Court today.
Faithfull, of Boyndlie, Fraserburgh, was in the bar in the early hours of 27th January when the unprovoked attack took place.
The court heard the accused had been jumping around and acting in an “overly boisterous manner” when he accidentally bumped into a woman who was friends with the complainer.
Faithfull apologised and began talking to the woman, at which point the complainer placed his hands on the accused’s shoulders.
Procurator fiscal Duncan MacKenzie said there was “nothing aggressive” in the gesture.
However, he said Faithfull’s response was to turn around, place his left hand on the complainer’s shoulder and use his right hand to punch the complainer with a “significant degree of force” in the middle of his face.
Mr MacKenzie said the complainer struggled backward with his hand in front of him in a “submissive gesture”.
But the accused ignored it, the court, and moved his arm aside.
Before Faithfull could carry out any further violence, Mr MacKenzie said other patrons intervened and he was ejected from the premises.
Police arrested him nearby soon after.
Mr MacKenzie said the complainer was taken to hospital where he was found to have broken his nose.
He said he had suffered a bent septum, which meant he could not breath through his nostrils.
The complainer is scheduled to have corrective surgery but there is a 60 week wait.
Defence agent Gregor Forbes said his client was hugely remorseful and wished to convey his sincere apologies and regret to the complainer.
Sheriff Ian Cruickshank said that while the attack may have been short lied in was “one almighty punch”.
He fined Faithfull £1,000 and ordered he pay £3,000 compensation to the complainer.