Up-Helly-A’ Proclamation Bill appears in Market Cross

The Up-Helly-A’ Proclamation Bill has been put up at the Market Cross – marking the start of a day filled with fiery festivities.
With its regular assortment if cryptic references, the bill, has already been attracting attention from passers-by.

This year’s bill includes quips on topical subjects, including the tourist centre, its new owners and the strange chapter involving Stuart ‘Captain Calamity’ Hill.
NorthLink Ferries’ shared cabins saga also features, along with the 3G sports pitch as well as the Dim-Riv and Pilot Us.
The Shetland Times’ outgoing editor Ally Munro also gets a mention, as does newly elected Shetland North councillor Andrew Hall.
And there is a reference to the Scalloway Fire Festival’s galley-related challenges.
The Shetland Times will be covering the full programme of today’s events on our website and Facebook page.
Help directly raise funds for Lerwick Up-Helly-A’ by purchasing a copy of the official programme.
The print edition can be bought here and a digital edition is available here.
Geoff McDonald
Yet another great UHA enjoyed by an Australian holidaying in Derbyshire. Shetland is a beautiful place and I hope to return one day. Thanks to all involved.