POLL: Should energy developers be told to build new homes if they want to come to Shetland?

The shortage of available housing in Shetland has led to calls for “imaginative” solutions to the problem.
One idea raised this week was for energy developers to be told to build new homes if they want to come to Shetland.
The accommodation would be suitable for workers while they are in Shetland building the next big project – and would leave behind homes for Shetland folk once the development has been completed.
Do you think it’s a good idea? Take part in our poll to let us know.
Alan Hamilton
As energy developers contractors are on the island for a reasonable amount of time, builfing houses for their use and then donationg them to the council, or Hjatland Housing, would be a perfect gesture.
As they always set up a community fund to spread the benefits, this could start it off.
Rudi Meier
I really couldn’t care less about homes for building energy turbines. Fact is that these hideous machines murder bird life and wipe out the ecosystem in that area. It’s not green nor energy proficient.
It’s an outrage how hideous Shetland now is and all for a green energy la la land fairytale that does not exist. Carving up the land to plant machines that are made in China. Imported via ships using diesel and can’t be recycled and so has to be dumped in landfills. It’s outrageous and appalling and shame on Alistair Carmichael and Beatrice wishart who did nothing to stop it and much like all else they do. They do little of anything.
Tracy Kettle
Well bloody said. Get this person on the council!!