Fundraiser launched to help popular business damaged by fire and storm 

A fundraiser has been launched to help a popular business get back on its feet after it was damaged by fire and and then a storm.

Louise Irvine is hoping to raise £5,000 for the Original Cake Fridge – and had already secured hundreds of pounds in just a few hours.

She said the business had suffered a “run of back luck” – with a fire in October causing damage to the building followed by Storm Bert destroying one of its outdoor fridges.

“I’d like to raise money to help this fabulous little business get back on it’s feet,” she said.

“It’s a huge asset to the West Side of Shetland and very popular with tourists too.

“If each follower on social media could give even £1 each this would be a huge help to get the repairs needed completed before spring and replace the 24 hour outdoor fridge.”

The Original Cake Fridge has thanked Ms Irvine and all of those who have donated.

Visit gofundme to find out more.


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