High school to host international visitors this month

Dozens of pupils from across the world will be welcomed to Lerwick as part of a Global Classroom initiative for the first time in almost 10 years. 

Global Classroom is an international partnership that first began over 20 years ago, involving schools in the UK, South Africa, USA, Germany, Czech Republic, Sweden, Spain and Australia.

Forty-six children aged between 16 and 18 will visit the Anderson High School as part of the week-long conference to be held later this month. 

The chairman of the SIC education committee, Davie Sandison said he was pleased to see the initiative return to the isles and wanted to thank staff and students at AHS for their time spent on planning the visit. 

“We’ve always been an outward looking community who welcomes visitors and the Global Classroom is an excellent opportunity for young Shetlanders to make international connections,” Mr Sandison said. 

The Global Classroom conference was last hosted in Shetland in 2015, and last hosted in person in June 2019 in South Africa. 

The conference will begin on 16th June and end on 23rd June.


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