SIC approves extension time for Yell windfarm

The SIC approved a two-year extension to the implementation date for a windfarm in Yell.
Statkraft’s Beaw Field Windfarm was approved by the Scottish government in 2017 and will reside in Burravoe.
The windfarm comprises of 17-turbines which will be 145-metres in height.
Scottish ministers’ decision letter stated the development should begin no later than 30th November 2024.
However, a report presented to the SIC’s planning committee on Wednesday morning asked for this date to be extended to 30th November 2026.
Planning officer Brett Taylor told the committee “delays to the expected grid” was the reason why the applicant felt this extension was needed.
He stressed that the application does not seek to make any changes to the upcoming windfarm itself.
“It is important to note that no changes are proposed to the number, layout and height of the turbines.”
Mr Taylor said there had been “no objections” relating to the application and previous environmental impact assessments remain “valid”.
He claimed the windfarm would have both “economic and environmental benefits”.
The committee then approved the application with vice-chairman Davie Sandison saying he was “happy” to do so and was met with no opposition.
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