Shetland becomes the cleanest place in Scotland

Figures reveal Shetland is the cleanest place in Scotland with an almost perfect score.
Keep Scotland Beautiful’s data showed in 2023-24 Shetland had a 98.7 per cent cleanliness rate.
This knocked neighbours Orkney off the top spot after they came out on top in 2022-23 with a 100 per cent cleanliness rate before this year falling down to 96.9 per cent.
Brian Rae, operations manager at Keep Scotland Beautiful said: “Our team of expert auditors carry out annual local environmental quality surveys at a random selection of sites across Scotland every year to monitor issues such as litter, dog fouling, fly-tipping, flyposting and graffiti.
“We have worked closely with colleagues at Shetland Islands Council, and the many hundreds of volunteers who take part in Da Voar Redd Up annually, and I’d like to thank them all for their efforts to keep Scotland beautiful.”
Read the full story in this week’s Shetland Times.
Tom Condie
I have never been lucky enough to visit the Shetland Islands, have only read about and watched programmes about the beautiful countryside. My wife has been lucky to have visited the Isles and was very impressed with the beautiful countryside and obviously the cleanliness of the towns and villages. A CREDIT to people of the Shetlands. God bless.