‘Bad blood’ saw farmer drive Hilux ‘culpably and recklessly’ at family member

A farmer who “reckless and culpably” drove his pickup at a relative over a family feud has been given time to show he can be of good behaviour.

Kevin Obern, 43, of JK Mainland Farm in Quendale ,admitted to the offence at Lerwick Sheriff Court today (Thursday).

The court heard there had been “bad blood” between shareholders in the family farm, including Obern and the complainer’s father.

On 14th May last year, procurator fiscal Duncan MacKenzie said the complainer and his father attended a shed on the farm to collect a neep-seeder.

He said Obern was displeased to find them there.

The fiscal said Obern drove his Toyota Hilux at slow speed towards the complainer, who was forced backwards while in contact with the vehicle over a distance of five to 10 feet.

Defence agent Gregor Kelly said it was lambing season at the time and his client had been at the farm carrying out his duties.

Mr Kelly said the family shareholders of the farm had met the day before and Obern had left with the impression that no machinery would be moved from the farm until ownership issues had been resolved.

When Obern saw the complainer’s father with the neep-seeder, Mr Kelly said his “blood was up”.

“In effect he was looking to stop the neep-seeder being taken away,” the solicitor added.

Mr Kelly said his client maintained the complainer had “theatrically thrown himself” at the vehicle in a manner that was “somewhat farcical”.

However, he also accepted that the he did not apply the brakes, as he should have, and was still “nudging forward” when the complainer was in his path.

Mr Kelly suggested all parties ought to “grow up and learn to live with each other”, although he also said there were “quite fresh wounds which  will take some time to heal”.

“Thankfully, no injuries were sustained.” he said.

Mr Kelly suggested sentencing could be deferred for his client to be of good behaviour.

Sheriff Ian Cruickshank agreed, deferring for nine months, until 24th September. 

He said it was not his job to pass judgment on the background dispute, which should be resolved through the civil courts.


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