POLL: Should the council appoint un-elected religious representatives to voting roles? 

The controversial question of whether unelected religious representatives should have voting roles in council committees resurfaced this week.

Shetland Central councillor Ian Scott again called for them to be banished.

The SIC has traditionally included a Church of Scotland representative on its education and families committee.

Members of the full council appointed Andrew Miller to fulfill that roll until spring 2027.

But Mr Scott likened the process to the House of Lords, which has 20 “lords spiritual” despite abolishing hereditary peerages earlier this year.

Mr Scott said: “I see no reason whatsoever that because of personal beliefs – be it religion or Yoda or whatever – why on Earth these people should have anything whatsoever to do with our decision system.”

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  • Jim Ivens

    • December 14th, 2024 11:46

    If one religious leader is allowed to vote, then all religious leaders must be allowed to vote in order for all faiths to be represented evenly. Then comes the question of how people with no religious convictions are represented. It is much easier to say that only elected representatives may vote.

  • Julianna Keszegne

    • December 14th, 2024 13:26

    Religion only divides people, separates them from each other…at least they shouldn’t be involved in politics…


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