POLL: Is £3,500 an acceptable price to charge for a school trip?

The Anderson High School sent letters to parents and carers last week about an “exciting opportunity” for a school trip to West Africa.
But the £3,500 estimated price tag for the “Ghana cultural experience” was quite a shock for many.
The school says the school trips provide “valuable cultural opportunities” for pupils – adding that there will be opportunities to secure grants or fundraise to cover the costs.
But for families on lower incomes, the price is likely to be be prohibitive.
What do you think? Is it reasonable to organise a school trip that is likely to cost £3,500?
Don Phee
It’s acceptable to someone who will pay it. It’s not acceptable to someone who won’t. I wouldn’t pay it because I have no interest in going to Ghana.
Steven Jarmson
I grew up in a lower income household.
I know it might be difficult to explain to children, as it was to me, but everyone missing out on an opportunity to placate the less lucky isn’t how society should work.
Yes, this gives an added to experience to those who most likely already have things a bit easier, but that’s no a valid reason not to do something. Life is full of opportunities we are priced out of.
Perhaps, as used to be the case, a little extra could have been added to the price tag to help the less well off children a little.
When I went on school trips at 15 and 17, I paid for both myself.
David B Smith
Well I have worked onboard ships most of the west African coast
And when ashore were escorted by armed gaurds
I would say its not the safest place to be sending your child just now ???