POLL: Would you support a ban on unlicensed fireworks displays? 

Social media was awash with appeals to find a missing dog who ran off following fireworks on Christmas Day.

Thankfully, the dog was later found, but not before its owners spent an anxious few hours searching.

The incident led some to suggest fireworks should be banned – or at least restricted to licensed events at certain times of the year.

Edinburgh council has already banned the use of fireworks in certain parts of the city around Bonfire Night.

It means anyone setting off a private firework between 1st and 10th November would be committing a criminal offence.

Several petitions have also gone before parliament calling for the sale and use of fireworks to be restricted to licence holders only.

What do you think? Would you support a ban on fireworks? Take part in our poll to let us know your thoughts.

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  • Steven Jarmson

    • December 28th, 2024 11:52

    If its a display, why ban it?
    If its setting off a bunch of fireworks in your back garden, no issue there, keep it to 5thNov and NY around midnight so those of us with pets can keep them inside.
    If its just neds buying fireworks and being bratts, that’s completely different, there are laws in place to deal with them and those laws should be used.


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