Investigation into wind turbine blade damage

A probe is being carried out to determine the cause of damage to a turbine at the Viking Energy Windfarm, near Vidlin.
Pictures posted on social media revealed showed the extent of the damage at the controversial Viking Energy Wind Farm, with part of the blade hanging off.
Windfarm owners SSE tried to ease concerns, saying it had disabled a turbine after receiving reports of damage.
“The wind turbine has been disabled and access to the turbine and the surrounding area has been restricted and made safe,” the renewable energy provider said.
“No one was injured or in the vicinity at the time the damage was sustained.
“We are working closely with the turbine manufacturer, Vestas, which has initiated an investigation into the cause of the incident.”
People expressed their anger over the incident on the Stop More Windfarms on Shetland Facebook page, with some highlighting the potential threat to traffic or passers by.
For more on this story, pick up a copy of tomorrow’s Shetland Times.
Mr ian Tinkler
We have a design or manufacturing problem here. As these things rotate above people’s heads and, in a severe storm force gale, will carry several hundreds of meters, we have a major safety issue. Every blade should be rigorously inspected and VE closed down until proven safe. There can be no compromises here. I do hope Health and Safety have been informed and for once “The Profit Motive” is put on the back burner!!
Mr ian Tinkler
Land slips and watershed poisoning are one thing; however, several hundred pounds of glass fibre rotating at 150 mph landing on one’s head in a 55-plus Mph wind speed gale is quite another. Good old VE and its advocates (Orwell’s sheep) are the personification of fue stupidity. Just how many folks wrote online warnings of the risks? Thank God SCT and the SIC avoided massive investments, just! This may just prove a little costly. The Great White Elephant’s ears are falling off!!!!!