Statkraft submits application for substation 

A planning application for Mossy Hill windfarm’s substation has been submitted to the SIC.

Statkraft’s new substation would enable the consented Mossy Hill Wind Farm to connect to the new underground cable line between Kergord and Gremista.

The substation would provide space for transformer equipment for the energy company as well as electrical switchgear for SSEN Transmission.

Project manager John Thouless said: “The new substation will ensure that the wind farm can connect to the local electricity network, replacing two smaller substations which were originally consented.

“This will allow Mossy Hill to supply renewable electricity, further securing Shetland’s place as a major energy hub and contributor to net-zero targets.”

An application for the redesign of Mossy Hill Wind Farm is also expected to be submitted in early 2025 following Statkraft’s second public engagement event.


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  • C S

    • December 20th, 2024 22:20

    Nobody in Shetland wants this. The once beautiful landscape has been ruined by the turbines and the scars place upon the land by their installation. Shetland residents do not benefit from lower bills. We’re just being used to house the ugly power supply equipment for the southerners. If they want electricity, then build these ugly things on your own door step. SIC are a joke for even letting things go this far.

    • Bob Marsh

      • December 28th, 2024 18:31

      Excellent comment. At least a significant portion of supply and/or revenue should go to local communities having to put up with such monstrosities on their doorstep, with more to come offshore in fishing grounds to manoeuvre around and decimate the seabed for years ahead. All to support in the main the ‘crown’ office, southern investors, pension funds, and offshore owners in the US and Norway who return a relative pittance to the local communities while raking in many millions.


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