Small power cut hits South Mainland

A power cut has hit just over a dozen homes in Exnaboe and Scatness, near Sumburgh, this morning (Monday).

The outage was reported at to provider SSE a little before 11am and at time of writing engineers have yet to respond.

SSE said the outage was caused by a fault  in its overhead powerline network and that it was aiming to have power restored by 2:30pm.

“This is the most common type of fault we see,” SSE said.

Despite affecting a relatively large area, the energy company said it estimates only 14 homes have been affected. 

It also confirmed Sumburgh airport had not been affected.

“In most cases, our engineers are able to get your power back on by simply replacing a fuse at the local substation.”

Some Central Mainland residents experienced a brief cut in their heating on yesterday (Sunday) morning, after a “short power blip” took out heat pumps in Lerwick.


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